Tag Archives: book signing

Blog Changes (sounds like an interesting read right?)

Here’s the deal pickle; this blog will be undergoing some changes.

Not this kind of change.

Some really cool things are happening in my writer world and because of that I am directing all power from my brain cells to my work. Because of this…

I will be converting my blog to the website for my works.  There will still be a Blog tab, but I will be using it for write-ups on events and such. But….

If you truly dig what I do and want to keep riding the Frankie Ash train, hook up with me on Twitter and Instagram (author_frankie_ash). Also….

I am working on a newsletter that I would like to send out on the regular, so when I get that ready to go, I will post here to direct you guys where you can go to email sign up. Ya dig?

While I have your attention (and if I don’t…HELLOOOO!!!) I would like to tell you guys to look out for the August issue of Sci Fi magazine. ERAMANE will be in it!!!!! And, if you happen to live in/around/other prepositions that work the Winchester, VA area, the lovely folks at Winchester Book Gallery are hosting a signing for ERAMANE August 16th at 3p.m.

If you don’t preposition that area, look for future announcements on my events in the D.C. area.




I HAVE ARRIVED…safely back home.

Me at the IBPA booth, and that's one of my team members behind me.
Me at the IBPA booth, and that’s one of my team members behind me. He thinks he’s funny. We think he is too:)

I’m back from my trip to the Book Expo America in New York. I had so much fun…once I stopped freaking out.
Here’s my little story…
I went with a team…my peeps, and we represented ERAMANE as best we could, minus the banter we flung at passers-by (I think at one point I said all vowels to one lady.)

I think I'm funny too.
I think I’m funny too.

When we arrive at the Javits Center, I was immediately congratulated by the lady who checked my in and gave me and my team out badges (thanks nice lady) and that set the tone for the rest of my experience.
I was extremely nervous, because here I am, little ol’ me, among (by that I mean off in a corner, nowhere near them) some of the greatest writers of today. Yet, from the moment I walked through the doors I was treated like “the Queen,” as Margaery Tyrell says in Game of Thrones.
Once I found the IBPA booth, I was immediately greeted by Terry Nathan and Molly ??? (I’m sure she has a last name, but in this post it’s a series of question marks.) They took me in and fed me, no better way to put it really. Thanks guys!
The signing was a hit; I ran out of 30 books in under 15 minutes (who knew?) and had to hand out rain-check forms to the ones who didn’t get their free signed copy.
All-in-all, though, despite that I ran out of books, ERAMANE was noticed. My sign caught the attention of anyone who walked by…and there were soooo many! I even heard people say, “Hey I saw that online.” And, “WTF???!!! Really? Awesome!” to myself of course.
Oh, and my husband lost his [soul]. Yup the bottom of his shoe came right off just before we reached the Javits Center. Funny story…I’m going tell it.
Okay, so we were walking from the ferry terminal to the BEA and we all heard this duck-ish noise. My husband, holding a box of ERAMANE books, looks down and sees that his sole is flappin’. Then (and you might not believe this) we look across the street and a truck opens it back door and guess what’s inside??? Yes!!! Fricking black shoes just like the ones my hubs is wearing. Boxes and boxes. They just start unloading them onto a table and putting yellow signs up with prices. It was crazy. But no, we didn’t buy any…he had another pair in the car back at the hotel, so I just told him to walk quietly, “Don’t draw attention to it!” His shoe made it back to the car at the end of the day…then to the trash:(
Well if you made it this far, I’m happy that you cared enough to learn about my experience at my first ever book expo. The way things are going, it looks like I will be attending many more. I belong in the book world; I plan on staying here.


BEA Signing Update!

Courtesy of BEA website
Courtesy of BEA website

Helloooo! I just received the time for my signing event at the Book Expo America. I will be at the Independent Book Publishers Association booth from 10-11 a.m. on Friday, May 30th.  All Sharpie donations are greatly appreciated… uh har.

Updates and Announcements, and a Funaaaay Video!!

The 2014 Book Expo America is just around the corner! With the event nearing, the nervousness and excitement are making a knot of fluttering in my stomach. I shouldn’t be this nervous; no one knows who I am, I’m doing a short signing event at the Independent Book Publishers Association booth, a small corner at a gigantic show, the paparazzi surly will not be following me around, and NO ONE KNOWS WHO I AM. So, why am I nervous? Hmmm…I should seek the oracles. I’ll let you guys know how that goes…if I make it out alive!!!
Looking beyond the BEA, I am preparing myself for what is possibly a huge event in my career. I mentioned this briefly on my Facebook fan page, but I’d like to elaborate with you here because, as Christopher Walken says in one of the funniest Saturday Night Live skits, I can “really explore the space.”
Of course you know I’m going to hook you up with the link to watch it.
So, the news is just as big as it is small. Whaaa?…you say. Keep reading.
A few months ago I submitted ERAMANE to an agent and included all of the amazing reviews. Seriously, they are awesome. This agent emailed me back and explained how my personality reached them and they wanted some more information on the book, sales so far and such. But I’m a self published author with only me promoting my work, so being a newbie puts me in a dark hole with countless others. It’s amazing how much room is in there!
Anyway, we exchanged several emails before it occurred to me that I have a project which hasn’t been published (cause it isn’t finished) so I took a shot and mentioned my WIP. With enthusiasm, the agent asked that I submit a formal query to them as soon as it is finished!
So, there it is my huge/tiny news. No it’s not an announcement that I’ve been agented, or better than that picked up by a publishing house, but it is an announcement that my work has caught the eye of a person that has the capability to get me signed, and that my friends is pure awesomeness!
Now that I have written a short story for you, I will wrap this up, but before I do I want to mention that in a few days I will have the times for my book signing at the BEA which I will post here, Twitter, and my FB page, and look for a short story that I will be releasing June 2014 for $0.99 entitled Serial Wanda. It’s a dark comedy and has been fun to write. I will announce this again when the release date gets closer.
Okie dokie. Thanks for hanging in there and reading all of this. You guys rock, and thanks for sticking with me.






Book Expo, Queries, WIPs, & Gravy. YES. GRAVY.

A few weeks ago I announced that I would be attending the 2014 Book Expo America in New York, and that it hadn’t been finalized as to whether I’d be actually signing or not. Well, it’s official…I will be signing at the Book Expo!

The date is set but the time is not, as of yet, so I will wait to give all the deets as soon as I get them.

I’m stupid excited about this, and I’ve even ordered T-shirts with the cover of ERAMANE on them.

I’m going to take sooooo many pics and post on Twitter like a beast (please don’t unfollow me it’ll just be for one day I promise!).

Onward. I am still sending out queries. Checking my emails an unhealthy amount of times. Scrunching my face when I read a rejection saying “sorry for your bad luck.” They don’t really say it like that, but maybe they should because at least that’s funny! I did get a nibble, a request for a partial, but we aren’t supposed to get excited when this happens because it could easily turn into a rejection, so until I know more…I’ll take it as a “meh” instead of a “pphhttt, heck no.”

I am still working diligently on ERAMANE, book #2 and the “other” project, and I can’t wait to announce release dates for both. Yes, I’m optimistic, ambitious, and maybe a bit presumptuous that I can publish two books, two well written and meticulously edited works in 2014. But I learned how to make homemade gravy, so…

Interview With Author Jodi Meadows


So, a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Jodi Meadows, author of the Newsoul trilogy, Incarnate, Asunder, and Infinite, at a book signing. She was accompanied by Brodi Ashton and Cynthia Hand, how cool! The event was awesome, and I even received a knitted butterfly, knitted by Mrs. Meadows herself, for asking a question. Yay me!

Even though Jodi is busy these next few weeks with book signing events and various other interview commitments, she pleasantly agreed to answer a few of my questions. Thanks Jodi!

1. Stephen King wrote in his book, On Writing, “Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open.” What is your preferred atmosphere when you write? Do you need a closed door?

“For me, it really depends on the project. I have one friend who usually reads my stories as they fall out of my head. (It’s as messy as it sounds.) She can always tell what kind of comments I need when I’m super close to the manuscript (and therefore sensitive). My agent also sees in-progress drafts sometimes, when I need her opinion. Occasionally I need to talk out plot/themes/character motivation and development with friends and crit partners, but for the most part, I keep my drafts close until I’ve revised once or twice. A lot of it depends on what I need and what I can handle in the way of comments.”

2. Publishing one novel is a grand accomplishment, publishing two is phenomenal! How did your experience differ between publishing Incarnate and Asunder?

“I was a lot less anxious with ASUNDER! I knew, mostly, what to expect, and I was able to just sit back and enjoy the experience a lot more. I think it’s going to be the same with INFINITE, the final book in the trilogy. But when my next series launches, I expect to be a neurotic freak again.”

3. As a writer, I find that my need to write, at times, comes at some inopportune moments. Do you experience this? Can you give us an example? And how do you manage to hold those great ideas in your mind until you are able to write?

“Writing is my full-time job (I’m very lucky!), so most of the time I actually sitting in front of my computer and writing, whether I want to or not! Even when I’m out, there aren’t a lot of times I can’t stop what I’m doing and make a note — unless I’m driving, of course. Then I just have to hold it in.”

4. How do you deal with writer’s block? What has been your worst experience with this stiller of imagination?

“I don’t think I really get writer’s block, exactly. Sometimes I do get stuck in what I’m writing, because I’ve made a wrong turn somewhere. Even though I plot my stories ahead of time, I still do a lot of moving things around and adding/subtracting as I actually write the draft. So, even just recently, I thought I had a great idea, started to add it into my story . . . but once it was there, it just wasn’t working, and I couldn’t press forward until I’d figured that out. And sometimes I’m just tired or don’t feel like writing — and I make myself do it anyway. The trick is figuring out whether the words aren’t flowing because there’s actually something wrong, or if I’m just being lazy.”

5. As a successfully published author, you have most likely experienced some highs and lows of the publishing world. What was your scariest moment during the publication of your Newsoul series? And…what was the most exciting moment with its publication?

“Getting edits is always kind of scary! Like most authors, I really, really want to impress my agent and editor. I want to make them proud. When people start reading my books is also pretty scary! Those first few reviews from readers/bloggers I really trust and admire are always nerve-wracking. And, of course, when people like my stories — when they connect with the story in a very personal way — that is always very gratifying, amazing, and humbling.”

6. What was the most unique/interesting experience with a fan/fans?

“Oh gosh, I don’t know. All experiences with readers are unique and cool in their own way, and I love getting to meet them in person! Oh, but one cool moment was when a young teen came to one of my signings and started asking questions — all the questions I wanted readers to be asking! I tried to be evasive and promised they’d be answered in books 2 and 3, but she was persistent and kept coming at the questions from different angles. And her questions were good ones — questions I didn’t hear from most adults. So that was really fun.”

7. What are you going to be for Halloween?

“I’m going to be a writer on deadline. Good times!”

It’s freakin awesome that Jodi took time for this interview. Again…thanks Jodi!!! Recently, she did a video interview with Rachel from RayKayBooks. Check it out here…there’s a ferret in it!