Tag Archives: WIP

The Word “Poop” is in This Post. You’re Welcome.

I sat down this morning to write. Whoa, before I get ahead of myself, let me recap the morning.

I woke up promptly at 7:23 a.m.

I let the dog out to pee.

I let myself out to pee.

I made coffee.

I walked into my office.

I sat down to write.

Details of morning happenings complete.

I’ve been working on a new book project (WIP- work in progress) for about three weeks. It’s a different genre than what I normally write—SF/F—so, I was stupid excited when I started it. I played with some plot ideas for the first few days, and then landed on a solid direction. About 10k into the project, I decided I didn’t like the environment/setting/character development (all the essential crap for creating a great story, or, at least, a plausible one.)

So, I scrapped it.

Ouch. And F yeah it hurt! But, I said to myself, “Listen crybaby. It’s only 10K. Get your thumb out of your mouth and begin again!”

So, I brought out my dry erase board and scribble away on it until I was loopy on marker fumes. This process (fun as it was) took precious writing time from me, but I ended up with an even better angle. A super awesome, make your head spin, hell of a twist, angle.

I was stoked.

I was ready to write again. Or so I thought.

In the chair, blank page and flashing cursor staring back at me, I realized I wasn’t quite ready to throw down words.

I had a problem with the location of my story and the setting. So, I did what any writer would do, (Hey! Get out of the corner and lose the security blanket.) I opened Google and started researching a new place. I had one in mind, so I started there. I searched the first area through the town’s website. I researched the community, the police department, the SCENE (you know, it’s most important), the nearby university, and local restaurants and such. I even did a real estate search to find a home in the area I could visualize while writing. That was actually a reverse process. I had an idea of what I wanted the home to look like and where I wanted it. It just so happened that the first house that popped up matched it perfectly. So, I took virtual tours and researched the immediate area the home was built on, side roads, nearest neighbors, you get the picture.

Once I felt like I had a grip on my character’s world, I begin with the wordage again. This time, (up to last night’s work, precisely) I reached nearly 8K. I was happy to have a new direction and be almost back to my drop off point from the earlier draft.

Then, this morning happened.

I sat down to write, and my love for the project had vanished. Even as I write this blog post (which BTW, the whole disappearing love thing is why I’m writing this post and not working on my book project) I have no desire to continue with my WIP.

This is new to me. I’ve completed three novels this far and I’ve not felt this way about any of them. Sure, I had writer’s block a few times, but that’ different. Or is it? I don’t know.

But, I also know that I don’t just let days go without writing something, anything. It keeps me in practice. It helps me short crap out. In a way, this post is doing just that. It’s sorting my poop-coiled brain.

poop brain

While I don’t know if this project will see completion, I’m not devastated. I have other book ideas/sequels to write, and this is a great time to get those started.

If you guys have experienced this, I’d love to hear your story. How did you handle the story divorce? Did you ever rekindle your relationship? Or, did you post nasty things about it on the Internets so that no one else would date your story? My biggest question is… did you ever get your CDs back????

Keep Calm and Karate Chop Cobwebs

Courtesy of gardek.deviantart.com
Courtesy of gardek.deviantart.com

Toiling away I have been. (Yoda talk is weird when you see it typed out.) Writing more than on WIP is tough, chaotic, tiresome, you know. But the Force is strong in this one (ME!) and it is a must that I work in this way. I don’t know about you guys but having all sorts of ideas sitting upstairs for too long is no fun. I’d rather be cursing at myself during the hours most people sleep than to have stories just waiting around making cobwebs in my skully region.
But we is all different.
Book two (the last book) to the Eramane saga will be heading to my editor soon and its release will be a catharsis for me. I’ve been working on this story for a long time and I’m ready for my fans to know what happens to her and her comrades. So excited!
The title reveal is fast approaching (Oct 13) and the cover reveal will come shortly after. It’s still in its design phase. I have all my focus on getting this book out in time for Black Friday, so that I can get my YA Sci-Fi project out in January 2015 and hopefully get a combined edition of both Eramane books available in February.
Well, the rain just stopped, so I have to go walk my dog.

Blog hopping…Why and how I write what I write


So, Lindsay Cummings (author chic who wrote a book I can’t wait to read…The Murder Complex) unofficially called me (by me I mean everyone) out to write a post on their writing process. At first I was like, “I don’t wanna, cause my writing process is top secret and, well, I don’t want to have to flash that little red light from M.I.B I, II, and that other one in ALL.THE.EYES. But then I figured, why not, I haven’t used it in a while.
So, hopping on Mrs. Lindsay’s Divulge your most secrety secrets train, I shall reveal.
1. What am I working on?- At this very moment I have a doc opened and minimized, and it’s labeled “My Sci-Fi WIP”. Most of you know a little about it because I have posted some peak-a-boos on my blog. But it’s quite more than just a YA Sci-Fi book, as they all are right? Am I right? I’m right. But aside from that, my lips are sealed, like a…(you choose the visual metaphor) and as Forrest Gump says, “That’s all I have to say about that.”
2. How does my work differ from other’s of its genre?- Hmmm. It just does. It’s different because there isn’t a ton of young adult sci-fi out there. It’s different because of its plot and its characters and their motivations and the setting and the characters, and it’s a total left fielder for me. I believed (before I busted out this awesome monster) that I could only live and write in the realm of fantasy, because I love it so. But I’m also a huge sci-fi fan and exploring that side of my writing has opened me up to writing all kinds of different things…like my short story Serial Wanda. You member that post don’t you? Member?
3. Why do I write what I do?- Because I grew up watching movies like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Legend, Star Wars…I mean…I just…I love it like I love my own blood. Yes, that sounds strange but think about it…think about your blood and how sad (and dead) you’d be if you didn’t have it anymore. See.
4. How does your writing process work?- It’s not really a process because it’s not a rhythmic thing I do.
In short, I write every day.
In long, my mornings are precious. The Earth is quiet and it gives me a chance to be still and let my creativity do its thang. It’s hard to write on my WIP every day because there are also other things that I have to write: blog posts, Twitter snarkies (insert your own definition…it’s more funner that way), Facebook…all the social media what-nots. But at least four days of the week are devoted to my project and on a good day (three or more cups of coffee) I can knock out 3500-4000 words, on a regular day (one cup), 1500-2000. But, there are those special moments when you HAVE to write. Those moments when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t do anything else but drag yourself to the computer and work. I love those. And on those occasions I have written some of my best content.
That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

A short of my short…story.

letter K

I told you guys I will be releasing a short story soon, and that’s still in the works. But until I have it all formatted and proper like for your viewing pleasure, here is a sample. It’s a dark comedy…the first I’ve written in the genre. I hope that I’ve at least done it with some tact.

Serial Wanda

Part 1:1
Short, thin, cute? Yeah cute. Wanda judges herself while looking at her naked reflection. Some guy might have really enjoyed this, she continues, turning sideways to view her backside. Wanda stands there, half twisted, admiring her round butt, and wonders how painful an overdose death might be. Almost drowning is horrible…could an overdose be any worse?
The afternoon sun penetrates her sheer draperies and castes a glow onto her body. She marvels at the idea of her skin bursting into flames, as if she were a vampire; if it could only be that simple. Wanda often thought how wonderful it would be to have a guaranteed way of dying, like a steak through the heart or a holy water bath. But Wanda isn’t a vampire, and she doesn’t know of any guys that twinkle in the sun. She sighs.
A noise from the hallway breaks her blazing fantasy. It’s the familiar sound of a new tenant moving in. Wanda runs naked to the door and peers through the peephole. She sees a mattress, brand new, still in plastic, going in to apartment K. Next, a black leather couch, a large carpet, computer equipment boxes, and a microwave, all still in new packaging. Did this person just win the lottery or did they rob a bank? She becomes very eager to get a look at her new neighbor, and the longer she watches the more her face melds into the peephole. But all Wanda sees are logos on the movers gray T-Shirts: Paradise Movers.
In a little less than an half hour, the movers stop coming up to the second floor. Wanda, realizing she is still undressed, walks to the bathroom to grab her jeans from the floor. She shoves her legs in and rushes to her bedroom to grab the T-Shirt thrown at the foot of her bed. Dressed, she goes to the window and looks down to the parking lot. The moving truck is pulling away. That can’t be everything. Where is the tenant? What little that was carried in to apartment K was brand new, and after thinking about it for a second Wanda realized that the new tenant would only have a bed, computer, IKEA desk, microwave, coffee pot, and a brown box marked BATHROOM.
It was dark out now, and Wanda was way past spying on the new tenant. Her dinner was almost ready. Cooking wasn’t Wanda’s thing, but she could make a decent batch of spaghetti. She scooped out a large portion and plopped it on her only plate; she broke the rest from the garage-sale set she bought a year ago for a buck.
She ate in silence, no one called to interrupt her lonely dinner. No one ever called Wanda. Her co-workers stopped trying to include her months ago; they were fed up with her constant “not tonight,” or “thanks but no thanks,” or “ I have a lot of work to do at home.” They finally gave up, and now Wanda doesn’t even get the formal invite to the yearly Christmas party, a stamped invitation that used to arrive around December 15th.
She perks at the sound of a thud from across the hall, Is it the new tenant? and carries her plate to the counter, quietly setting it down. Tip-toeing up to the peephole, not blinking, her attention on the new neighbor rivals the focus of a hungry predator ready to lunge at its prey. He’s attractive, in that sexy-nerdy way that Wanda likes so much. His hair is dark and short on the sides, his clothes simple and his snug shirt reveals that he takes care of himself, not too buff, not too scrawny. Like Andrew Garfield! Wanda is excited, she just watched The Amazing Spiderman last night, for the millionth time. The handsome neighbor reaches into his front left pocket and pulls out a single key, no keychain. He holds it with a delicate grip and slowly slides it into the keyhole. She pushes herself away from the door in disgust. Stalk much Wanda? Again she is back at the peephole…eye pressed as close as it could be. She watches him open the door, bend down and pick up the BATHROOM box, and walk in,  pushing the door closed with his foot, Wanda’s trance broken by the brushed nickel K in the center of his apartment door.

Updates and Announcements, and a Funaaaay Video!!

The 2014 Book Expo America is just around the corner! With the event nearing, the nervousness and excitement are making a knot of fluttering in my stomach. I shouldn’t be this nervous; no one knows who I am, I’m doing a short signing event at the Independent Book Publishers Association booth, a small corner at a gigantic show, the paparazzi surly will not be following me around, and NO ONE KNOWS WHO I AM. So, why am I nervous? Hmmm…I should seek the oracles. I’ll let you guys know how that goes…if I make it out alive!!!
Looking beyond the BEA, I am preparing myself for what is possibly a huge event in my career. I mentioned this briefly on my Facebook fan page, but I’d like to elaborate with you here because, as Christopher Walken says in one of the funniest Saturday Night Live skits, I can “really explore the space.”
Of course you know I’m going to hook you up with the link to watch it.
So, the news is just as big as it is small. Whaaa?…you say. Keep reading.
A few months ago I submitted ERAMANE to an agent and included all of the amazing reviews. Seriously, they are awesome. This agent emailed me back and explained how my personality reached them and they wanted some more information on the book, sales so far and such. But I’m a self published author with only me promoting my work, so being a newbie puts me in a dark hole with countless others. It’s amazing how much room is in there!
Anyway, we exchanged several emails before it occurred to me that I have a project which hasn’t been published (cause it isn’t finished) so I took a shot and mentioned my WIP. With enthusiasm, the agent asked that I submit a formal query to them as soon as it is finished!
So, there it is my huge/tiny news. No it’s not an announcement that I’ve been agented, or better than that picked up by a publishing house, but it is an announcement that my work has caught the eye of a person that has the capability to get me signed, and that my friends is pure awesomeness!
Now that I have written a short story for you, I will wrap this up, but before I do I want to mention that in a few days I will have the times for my book signing at the BEA which I will post here, Twitter, and my FB page, and look for a short story that I will be releasing June 2014 for $0.99 entitled Serial Wanda. It’s a dark comedy and has been fun to write. I will announce this again when the release date gets closer.
Okie dokie. Thanks for hanging in there and reading all of this. You guys rock, and thanks for sticking with me.






Tonight…”Winter is coming,” …for some.

photo from HBO website
photo from HBO website

It’s amazing how fast time flies when you’re working on a refreshing project. My young-adult, sci-fi work has been a blast to write. Since I’m almost finished with the first draft of this WIP, I’m contemplating if I should write a sequel, maybe even a trilogy. Trilogies are tough though because it’s always a challenge to make the next book better than the previous. Eramane has proven to be a task in the matter of plotting the third book. Book two is coming along well, and I must say…it’s better than book one. I’ve grown as a writer, developed better techniques used to plot chapters/scenes, and I’ve learned that writing isn’t just a passion; it’s a craft in need of constant nurturing.
I apologize for the above paragraph…it’s a bit foofy. But it makes my point…. which happens to be foofy.
Moving on, I’d like to say…goodbye WINTER!!!
Moving on further I’d like to say, OMG GAME OF THRONES COMES ON TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
And with that I’ll leave you with this little video. Rage of Thrones.


I’ve been absent for a few weeks, and here’s why.

My awesome puppaaayy!
My awesome puppaaayy!



No joke, it’s been crazy having an eleven week old golden retriever. I think I’m still wearing the clothes I wore the day we picked him up. I kid…no but really.

So, I assume I’ve been pardoned by you all and am moving on. I’ve been working on a book of the sci-fi sorts, and thought that since I am nearly finished with it, it’s time for a teaser. I don’t know if it’s a good move to throw out teasers of unfinished/unedited works, but whatevs…I do what I want…fellow Chivers?? Anybody??

Anywho…here it is…a couple sentences of my work in progress. Lemme know what you think.

            Nova catches Haylun’s reflection in the window, and she stops thinking about Earth. She watches him, sure that he hasn’t noticed she’s not looking out anymore. Instead she watches him run his fingers through his thick black hair before assessing her own reflection to make sure her hair is…decent. It looks as it did this morning when she braided it, a long, brown braid hanging over her right shoulder. She fidgets in her dark-red Medical Cluster uniform, not having yet returned to her quarters to change into her “other uniform” as she calls it: a white shirt and white pants, standard issue clothing to everyone on the ship.
Nova turns to face Haylun, hoping to conceal her moment of lament, praying that he is as excited to see her as she is him. She looks into his hazel eyes and wishes she could hug him instead of just stand there, but that would be a bad idea since today is the end of their separation orders, and if Inspection and Enforcement spot them in the middle of a friendly hug, they are likely to report it, and the Commanding Officials have little tolerance.
Haylun lightens the awkward moment, “What do you have for me today? Leave out…”
“…the gory details, yes I know,” Nova interrupts.
“You know that stuff gets to me Nova, especially before I eat.”