Tonight…”Winter is coming,” …for some.

photo from HBO website
photo from HBO website

It’s amazing how fast time flies when you’re working on a refreshing project. My young-adult, sci-fi work has been a blast to write. Since I’m almost finished with the first draft of this WIP, I’m contemplating if I should write a sequel, maybe even a trilogy. Trilogies are tough though because it’s always a challenge to make the next book better than the previous. Eramane has proven to be a task in the matter of plotting the third book. Book two is coming along well, and I must say…it’s better than book one. I’ve grown as a writer, developed better techniques used to plot chapters/scenes, and I’ve learned that writing isn’t just a passion; it’s a craft in need of constant nurturing.
I apologize for the above paragraph…it’s a bit foofy. But it makes my point…. which happens to be foofy.
Moving on, I’d like to say…goodbye WINTER!!!
Moving on further I’d like to say, OMG GAME OF THRONES COMES ON TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
And with that I’ll leave you with this little video. Rage of Thrones.